Monday, April 12, 2010

blogging procrastination

Because one of the definitions of procrastination is over-complicating things for yourself, it is not surprising that it took me about one hour to find this name for the blog.
While looking for the perfect name for the blog, I have realized that blogging procrastination is obviously a popular and impossible thing to do, which actually makes sense considering an other definition of procrastination as "avoiding doing something".
So these are 14 different names I have tried to register (with Most of them empty or only with couple of posts, and only 1-2 of them really active (name, start date, number of posts, date of last post):

procrastinator (june 2001, 1, june 2001),
a procrastinator (january 2006, 4, february 2006),
the procrastinator (?, 0, ?),
procrastinating (?, 13, ?),
pro-crastination (november 2005, 4, october 2006),
procrastination (february 2002, 4, march 2005),
procrastina (october 2007, 2, february 2008),
the procrastination (june 2004, 1, june 2004),
crastinus (november 2007, 1, november 2007),
procrastinus (june 2006, 3, june 2006),
i'll do it later (?, 0, ?),
i'll do it tomorrow (july 2002, 2, august 2002),
will do it later (december 2009, 13, april 2010),
do it later (january 2007, 11, february 2007).   

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